5 easy, evident-backed ways to naturally control blood sugar levels

Your overall blood sugar levels control the agenda of your day, agree?

Glucose is a type of sugar that we get from the food we eat. When this sugar travels through the blood, it is called blood glucose or blood sugar. Insulin secreted by the pancreas helps the cells to use this blood sugar for instant energy or store it for later use. When your body lacks insulin, the glucose level in the blood reaches alarmingly high levels, resulting in diabetes. In the long run, it may damage your lungs, kidneys, vision, and other internal organs.

Here are 5 easy ways to keep your blood sugar levels under control

1.   Count your carbs

Your carbohydrate intake influences your blood glucose levels. Binge eating could make the sugar levels spike, while consuming fewer carbs might make it drop. According to the CDC, of the 1800 calories needed per day for a healthy weight, half must come from carbs (about 800 to 900 calories). A gram contains 4 calories. Therefore, you can consume only up to 225 g of carbs spread throughout the day.

2.   Add fibre to your diet

Fibre provides bulk, takes longer to digest, and slows carb digestion, thereby decelerating sugar absorption. It also makes you feel full for longer on fewer calories. While women should consume at least 21 to 25 g of fibre per day, men can aim for 30 to 38 g. Fibre-rich food includes whole grains, peas, legumes (beans, lentils and chickpeas), fruits and vegetables.

3.   Stay hydrated

Did you know drinking enough water can keep your blood sugar levels down? 

High blood sugar can result in dehydration. Water is a zero-calorie carbs-free drink that helps you stay hydrated. It also regulates blood glucose by flushing out excess sugar via urine. If you stay indoors for most of your day, drink around 2 litre and for a hectic outdoor day, try to finish 3 litres a day.

If the idea of drinking water sounds too plain, take it up a notch by

  • adding a dash of lemon, lime or orange juice
  • adding herbs like mint, basil, cilantro, or rosemary
  • infusing it with crushed berries, pineapple, or
  • adding sliced cucumbers for a clean taste

4.   Exercise regularly

In addition to increasing sensitivity to insulin, regular exercise can maintain weight and blood sugar levels. When insulin sensitivity increases, your cell will use additional sugar in the bloodstream for energy and the contraction of muscles. According to science, between 2 pm and 6 pm, your body is most ready to sweat it out. If your job demands you to sit continuously, break it up every 30 minutes by engaging in light walking or simple exercises like squats or leg raises. You can simply start with 10-minute exercise sessions thrice a day, 5 days a week.

5.   Keep your stress under control

Ever heard of a flight-or-fight response?

In response to a trauma or threat to survival, the body releases certain stress hormones. Similarly, when you subject yourselves to prolonged physical or mental stress, you feel a surge of adrenaline and cortisol. Your heartbeat & breathing becomes faster, and your BP increases. These hormones increase blood sugar even when you haven’t eaten. Regularly practising mindfulness, yoga and meditation help reduce stress and lower sugar levels.

There are several other ways to manage your blood sugar naturally. However, making slight changes to your sedentary lifestyle and tweaking your dietary choices can go a long way.  You can seek treatment from the best diabetes hospital in Chennai if you still cannot manage your sugar level