
The procedure of cholecystectomy involves removing the gall bladder which is done via gall bladder surgery in Chennai.

A cholecystectomy is most commonly performed to treat gallstones and the complications they cause. A cholecystectomy is recommended if you have:

  • Gallstones in the gallbladder (cholelithiasis)
  • Gallstones in the bile duct (choledocholithiasis)
  • Gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis)
  • Large gallbladder polyps
  • Pancreas inflammation (pancreatitis) due to gallstones

Symptoms of Gall bladder disease

  • Pain in right side just below the ribs
  • Pain radiating to back
  • More after food intake
  • Vomiting
  • Jaundice
  • Fever

To cure gall stones, the entire gall bladder has to be removed. If a stone is blocking the bile pipe then an additional procedure called ERCP will have to be performed prior to gall bladder removal.

During a laparoscopic cholecystectomy (keyhole method of removal of Gall bladder), Four small incisions are made in your abdomen. A tube with a tiny video camera is inserted into your abdomen through one of the incisions. With a video monitor in the operating room and using surgical tools inserted through the other incisions in your abdomen, the gallbladder is removed. This procedure usually takes one or two hours.

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy isn’t appropriate for everyone. In some cases, the surgery may begin with a laparoscopic approach and it might be necessary to make a larger incision because of scar tissue from previous operations or complications.k

Treatment  will depend on staging of the bowel cancer. As in any cancer the three main treatment options are Surgery, Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy. Most of the time they will be used in various combinations and in varying sequence to achieve maximum results. 

Treatment  will depend on staging of the bowel cancer. As in any cancer the three main treatment options are Surgery, Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy. Most of the time they will be used in various combinations and in varying sequence to achieve maximum results.